Mission Statement
River Gate High School is a student-centered organization delivering excellence in education. Our team is committed to our students, our communities, and each other. We believe that our cohesion and morale help us to achieve excellence in our school. Our commitment to our students and our dedication to impacting their education through innovative methods makes us unique.
At River Gate High School, we believe the following:
- Every student deserves an environment that enables them to achieve to their potential
- We respect our work and each other
- We use data to inform our decisions and measure our success
This mission will be served by providing the school’s students with an individualized and self-paced program set in a flexible scheduling environment that is responsive to its students’ needs, and by providing an education experience that leads to a high school diploma (not a GED) and post-secondary success. River Gate High School will provide a comprehensive, positive educational experience that will impart to each student the knowledge, desire and confidence needed to succeed in reaching his/her goals. The School will strive to motivate, teach, and guide each student through his/her educational growth and development. This will be accomplished by emphasizing the development of both cognitive and social skills. River Gate High School offers a safe, secure, clean environment, and researched field-tested educational programs which have proven very successful in educating at-risk students. The program provides the opportunity for parent involvement and community engagement.
Vision Statement
Below are the core beliefs that in combination form the vision that provides the basis for the philosophical foundation of River Gate High School program. We believe:
- Everyone deserves a second chance at receiving a first-class education and being successful in life
- Everyone deserves a chance to become all he/she can be
- Everyone learns at different rates and students should have educational choices that provide for each student’s individual needs and learning pace
- Flexible scheduling of school hours is a great advantage for those young adults that want to avail themselves of educational opportunities but who may have special life challenges and circumstances that prevent them from attending a traditional eight hour school day, or during a specific timeframe. Examples of these life challenges include being student-parents and/or working to support oneself or one’s family
- A high school diploma will not only benefit those young adults that take advantage of the opportunities it offers, but through the rippling effect that the graduate him/herself will have over time, it will also benefit the community as a whole
- No one educational organization or philosophy is right for everyone